Scroll down to read descriptions of the photography courses offered at Carthage, 或者点击以下链接获取更多资源:


ARH 2100 (FAR) (CL) / 4学分 
This course introduces the history of photography from its experimental beginnings in the early 19th century to the digital practices of the present. 本课程着重于各种社会, 文化, 科学, 以及摄影作为视觉媒介的艺术运用, as well as the broader themes and questions that have accompanied photography throughout its history


艺术1070 (FAR) (AI) / 4学分 
A studio-based course designed to cultivate a student’s ability to understand and create images. Students will work fluidly across two-dimensional and three-dimensional processes and across material-based and digital-based projects. 项目将涉及设计的基本原则, color, 通过绘图进行视觉组织, 版画, 绘画, 纤维艺术, 书的艺术, 3 d媒体, 技术, 以及基于镜头的媒体. Course content will explore the context of images in the larger culture and the potential of art and design to make inquiries into social, 文化, 哲学, 科学, 政治, 或者技术话题. 学生将通过创造性的设计过程来完成项目, 从构思到构建, 演讲, 和批判.


艺术1072 (FAR) (AI) / 4学分 
This course is a study of design fundamentals in time-based media, with emphasis on content. Students will explore the interactions of time through the lens and the tactile world, 使用视频, 声音, 动画, 表演, 安装, 和/或新媒体. 项目将是跨学科性质的, 与时效性媒体相结合, 例如行为艺术和录像, 装置艺术与声音. 通过个体生产, 集团项目, 批判性讨论, 学生将研究图像之间的关系, 声音, 线性和非线性叙事, time, 和空间.


艺术2110 (FAR) (AI) / 4学分 
This course focuses on the camera as a tool of expression and photography as a basic art form. 暗室技术将被教授, and each student will acquire the compositional and technical skills necessary to create original photographs. 学生必须有自己的相机.


艺术2130 (FAR) (AI) / 4学分 
学生将探索概念, 审美, 历史, 以及彩色摄影作为一种艺术媒介的技术方面. Students will use DSLR cameras and the contemporary process of digital photography to produce work that is both visually engaging and 概念上的ly challenging. The course will culminate in a portfolio of works that thoroughly explores an area of interest with technical proficiency. 学生必须有自己的相机.


艺术2750 (FAR) (AI) / 4学分 
时间、空间和技术是当代艺术实践的基础. This course will be an introduction to the process of making art by utilizing 技术 and transaction among people, 对象, 位置, 和情况. 通过工作室作业, 放映, 阅读, 讲座, 讨论, 和/或车间, 学生将被介绍到当代基于时间的艺术实践. 取决于所提供的具体主题, 这将包括视频, 声音的艺术, 表演艺术, 安装, 光, 实验电影, 社会实践, 基于网络的, 和/或新媒体.


艺术3100 (FAR) / 4学分
介绍大画幅取景相机的使用方法. 技术指导包括相机的使用, 照明设备, 膜处理, 接触过程, 电影的发展, 和印刷.


艺术3110 (FAR) / 4学分 
高级摄影工作室工作. Emphasis is placed upon darkroom photography as a creative and expressive medium and is taught from a fine arts perspective. 除了图像制作的技术问题, 的内容, 美学, 并探讨了摄影图像的形式品质. 需要带手动曝光功能的35毫米相机. 本课程最多可重复三次. 本课程可作为艺术专业和辅修专业的选修课.
前提条件:ART 2110


ART 3130 / 4学分 
在本课程中, students will create an in-depth portfolio of photographic works that demonstrates technical proficiency, 全面的历史知识, and advanced understanding of the 审美 and formal concerns in photography. This course will emphasize content development and maximizing the creative and expressive potential of digital color photography. Students are required to have their own digital SLR camera with manual controls.
前提条件:ART 2130或CDM 2500


ART 3550 / 1-12学分 
An internship enables the student to gain practical experience in his or her field of study. All internships require faculty supervision and regular meetings between the student and the instructor. Further credit will be given for internships in subsequent terms in the same placement so long as the supervising faculty member is satisfied that the student is acquiring new or enhancing existing skills and knowledge base. 所有实习必须通过Aspire中心安排.


ART 3700 / 4学分 
先进的工作室工作,以时间为基础的媒体, 录像的:强调在这些领域中的一个或多个领域的个人生产的:录像, 声音的艺术, 表演艺术, 安装, 光, 实验电影, 社会实践, 基于网络的, 和/或新媒体. 学生将提高他们的审美, 概念上的, and technical skills through individual projects and continued study of the expanding critical role time-based media has in contemporary art and society. 本课程最多可重复三次.
先决条件:ART 2750

Adobe Creative Cloud:升级

清洁发展机制1900 / 4个学分 
This course focuses on each student’s individual need to increase knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, 插画家, 和排版软件名称. Students will “test in” to a specific level of each program in Adobe and build from there. Students will create and edit multiple small projects within the programs — a crucial skill for many majors seeking to gain entry into their professional field.


CDM 2500 (FAR) (AI) / 4学分 
An introduction to photography in which students practice the art of photography, introducing them to the technical and stylistic aspects of digital photo making. 学生需自备数码相机, which has manual capabilities such as aperture and shutter speed priority mode. 使用Photoshop软件, 学生们还将在数字领域处理自己的照片, 运用他们所学的知识进行选择, 操作, 显示, 还有印刷作品.


CDM 2650 (FAR) (AI) / 4学分 
This course introduces the student to the use of digital photography to explore plant and animal species and their habitats. The course begins with instruction in digital photography and then moves outside where students will focus on organisms, 学习拍摄它们,同时探索它们的生理. 摄影 will be used to engage students in making detailed observations and beginning the process of 科学 discovery. 在了解了物种之后, 它们的生态相互作用, 和保护, students will complete a final project that utilizes visual imagery to educate others about the value of biodiversity, 生态, 和/或保护问题.


CDM 2700 (FAR) (AI) (IDP) / 4学分 
本课程使学生参与发展的过程, 写作, 生产, 拍摄, 编辑音频内容, video, 虚拟现实, 新媒体. Students study the process of media production by critical analysis of film texts and by active participation in the production process.


CDM 2800 (FAR) (CL) (ITL) / 4学分 
Film is an important and intrinsic medium for understanding our culture and its values. 更具体地说, nonfiction film has played a critical role in educating society on important issues and histories, 经常通过生产过程塑造公共政策和舆论. 学生将学习纪录片的组成部分及其制作, while exploring the form’s history and various modes of re演讲 that have been cultivated and 概念上的ized over the past century.


CDM 3500 / 4学分 
高级数码摄影 is an advanced class for participants who have taken basic digital photography and want to expand their photographic skills. The majority of the class time will be concentrating on the two broad goals of 1) thinking creatively about photography and 2) enhancing technical aspects of photography.
前提条件:CDM 2500


CDM 3550 / 4-8学分 
实习使学生获得沟通方面的实际经验. 实习通常由学生安排, 并且必须得到系里教员和Aspire中心的批准. 学生们定期与指导教授会面, 将你的经历记录下来, 完成一篇主要的论文, 分析, 解读实习经历.