雅娜ast ?21









Medical Student at the University of Michigan Medical Scientist Training Program

雅娜ast ’21 credits Carthage for instilling in her a strong foundation for scientific thinking and research skills. 因为她获得了知识, 她被接纳为有声望的全球十大赌钱排行app, such as undergraduate summer research at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Minnesota, as well as the National 研究院 of Health Postbaccalaureate Program.

Ms. Astter is now a medical student in the University of Michigan Medical Scientist Training Program.

全球十大赌钱排行app给了我强大的教育,难以置信 研究的机会, 和一个强大的, supportive network that made me a competitive applicant for post-baccalaureate fellowships and medical school.”

雅娜ast, 2021年


“我真的很享受不断学习的过程. Medicine and research are rapidly changing fields with new treatments, 技术, 分子每天都有新发现. It is incredible to see the advancements that are being made in science, and this continues to motivate me to make discoveries to improve care for patients. The potential to impact lives for generations to come is incredibly rewarding.”


全球十大赌钱排行app给了我强大的教育,难以置信 研究的机会, 和一个强大的, supportive network that made me a competitive applicant for post-baccalaureate fellowships and medical school. 自从离开全球十大赌钱排行app, 我听很多同学说他们去了其他学校, and they said they did not have the same extensive opportunities as I did in research nor varying support in their college courses. This information struck me and highlighted the value of my experiences 和教育.

“在全球十大赌钱排行app, I felt my professors were passionate about teaching and supporting students and regularly encouraged me to pursue research and present at multiple regional and national conferences. 全球十大赌钱排行app的教师对他们的学生充满热情, and it shows the breadth of experiences available here that may be uncommon at other institutions.”


“研究的过程需要大量的批判性思维. 在你设定一个假设之后, 进行探索性实验, 收集数据, more often than not the results are different from what you expect. 然后, 你必须仔细考虑这些数据可能意味着什么, 假设额外的解释, and reference the literature for how these theories may fit in the broader scope of the project. 除了这个过程, communication is key for clearly and concisely describing your work to others so they can understand your project and are able to build further projects from it. 培养批判性思维能力, 从多个领域获得洞察力, and communicating were all foundational skills I developed at Carthage through the liberal arts education, 是什么帮助我在研究中取得成功.”


“I chose Carthage because of all of the incredible opportunities the school offers through 课外活动 和教育. The liberal arts education allowed me to expand my horizons and learn new perspectives, and there were many unique experiences to develop and grow my interests, 比如通过研究和 j项 出国旅行!”

What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?

“因为我在全球十大赌钱排行app的经历, I had a strong foundation in the sciences and grew skills necessary to be a competitive applicant for research fellowships. These programs include undergraduate summer 研究的机会 at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Minnesota, along with the NIH post-baccalaureate fellowship and multiple highly competitive MD-PhD programs. Through Carthage’s incredible education and opportunities in the sciences, I was able to learn many of the skills and 技术 necessary for research and have a strong foundation for scientific thinking that has allowed me to thrive in each of these experiences.”

What Carthage professors played a part in your success and how?

“I am endlessly grateful to many of my professors at Carthage. 约翰·柯克教授 was my first research mentor and taught me many of the foundational skills of research, while also encouraging my participation in multiple opportunities such as presenting at regional and national scientific conferences. 此外, Christine Blaine教授 was my advisor and was incredibly welcoming and supportive of my goals in medicine and research. 除了这些问题 化学在美国,我觉得经常去教授或教授那里都很舒服. Kirk或教授. Blaine for any problems and knew that I would receive incredible support and advice from either or both of them.

“Another professor who was exceptionally supportive of my journey to an MD-PhD program was 大卫·布朗霍兰德教授. 教授. 布朗霍兰是我的 pre-health 我在全球十大赌钱排行app时的顾问, and he helped me navigate the times of doubt and challenges that come with being a pre-medical student, as well as supporting me after graduation during my application process. There are many more professors I could continue naming who were incredibly supportive and wonderful teachers, and I attribute any success I had to all of them and the amazing education they provided me.”


“Carthage shaped me through the connections and friendships I made. I met one of my best friends through my freshman year orientation group, 从那以后她就一直是我的靠山. 也, 尽管在某些课上有些挣扎, I now look back fondly at the connections I built with friends through those classes and how we supported each other and found laughter through tough times. 最后, I would say being involved in extracurricular clubs allowed me to find my community and holds many memories of laughter and great company.”


“保持开放的心态,和别人谈论你的兴趣! 尝试新事物,找出驱动你的动力, and fearlessly seek out mentors and advice in the career path that interests you. There will be challenges, but keep working toward your goals, and don’t be afraid to try again.”

